WIHTBOAM, a poem
When I have the body of a man, I have the head of a bull. |
When I have the head of a bull, I hear you in colours. | Jake |
When I hear you in colours, a shackling ground, a lowing flame,. | Laurie D Graham |
When a shackling ground, a lowing flame,, the burned tide returns to the uneven beach. | Metaphorce |
When the burned tide returns to the uneven beach, the uneven beach returns to the burned tide. | a raw |
When the uneven beach returns to the burned tide, red sand runs dry. | TR |
When red sand runs dry, we pray that blood will not follow. | Cheryl |
When we pray that blood will not follow, the beach shows her teeth. | shannon |
When the beach shows her teeth, and the long light is almost upon us. |
When and the long light is almost upon us, the tide recedes knowing that he is no match . |
When the tide recedes knowing that he is no match , . |
When , seeds as to minutes dripping by or rocks into smaller rocks. |
When seeds as to minutes dripping by or rocks into smaller rocks, what water we stir, stirs within us, veins of quartz flashing our way home. | J-tron |
When what water we stir, stirs within us, veins of quartz flashing our way home, the pulse of meat turns to glistening stone. | geo |
When the pulse of meat turns to glistening stone, you take me for dead. | sonnet |
When you take me for dead, I am that kind of silver fish. |
When I am that kind of silver fish, the books will beware. | lary timewell |
When the books will beware, the books will beware. | lary timewell |
When the books will beware, . |
When , the coffee dries out, the locusts come circling. |
When the coffee dries out, the locusts come circling, the trees lose their roots. |
When the trees lose their roots, we lose focus: close up on crocus y' know just. |
When we lose focus: close up on crocus y' know just, count our wrinkled teeth and flexible ankles, so sweet a sound. | Claudia Coutu Radmore |
When count our wrinkled teeth and flexible ankles, so sweet a sound, we eye off the iris. | JdUb |
When we eye off the iris, it gladys the nose . |
When it gladys the nose , ,,,, I will take liberties with the words of others. |
When ,,,, I will take liberties with the words of others, other word my liberties, I will have the body of others. |
When other word my liberties, I will have the body of others, the stutter, the tense, the tall populars blooming, but when, when. |
When the stutter, the tense, the tall populars blooming, but when, when, when the when wends, the body mends, the stutter of when. |
When when the when wends, the body mends, the stutter of when, the body blooms then stutters, then ends. |
When the body blooms then stutters, then ends, in irony and earnest, making fun of clichess while making fun of ourselves for indulging them. | Aden Rolfe |
When in irony and earnest, making fun of clichess while making fun of ourselves for indulging them, I secretly yearn to for their laughter. |
When I secretly yearn to for their laughter, I lean to trestles. |
When I lean to trestles, I am the engine . | md |
When I am the engine , I am a reader, also, there. |
When I am a reader, also, there, . | I am, but not in my shell, ensconced in you. |
When , . | I am, but not in my shell, ensconced in you. |
When , then ;. | a raw |
When then ;, kilowatts silk my angular velocity. | Melanie |
When kilowatts silk my angular velocity, my daunting hastens. |
When my daunting hastens, . |
When , paradox collides. | mOzach |
When paradox collides, my universe implodes into one thought, one line:. | Shoshanna |
When my universe implodes into one thought, one line:, who can sift the golddust from the ash?. |
When who can sift the golddust from the ash, but for the men on the avenue, all keen eyes and certainty. |
When but for the men on the avenue, all keen eyes and certainty, the women fierce, determined . |
When the women fierce, determined , bare their breasts and their teeth. | Coral Carter |
When bare their breasts and their teeth, the ranks unfold. |
When the ranks unfold, si. |
When si, . |
When , a fingernail will curl north-east. | Prawns |
When a fingernail will curl north-east, it will pry the flesh from our thoughts. | Jeffrey Harpeng |
When it will pry the flesh from our thoughts, & the plagiarists will cough up a testament of carbon copy. |
When & the plagiarists will cough up a testament of carbon copy, intellectual properties will refund righteousness. | Terry Moylan |
When intellectual properties will refund righteousness, bags of oblivion form under the eyes. |
When bags of oblivion form under the eyes, we smell our way through words. | carmel |
When we smell our way through words, what happens? we open the gate. |
When what happens we open the gate, the flood of now of now of now. |
When the flood of now of now of now, whappens wopen. | a raw |
When whappens wopen, w w w w w birds wing questions with flight. |
When w w w w w birds wing questions with flight, the wallows will spring forth. |
When the wallows will spring forth, the force of winter will allow when's . |
When the force of winter will allow when's , ice of later (fallen) (fragile) slipslope of shinbone. | Sophie Mayer |
When ice of later (fallen) (fragile) slipslope of shinbone, . |
When , . |
When , de sade was a closeted kantian. |
When de sade was a closeted kantian, the orwellian mother load will be lighter, true lode. | Melanie Neilson |
When the orwellian mother load will be lighter, true lode, . |
When , indefatigable scrum, tip cone o freezer-burn. | Kent MacCarter |
When indefatigable scrum, tip cone o freezer-burn, thawed chocolate falls. | Chicken |
When thawed chocolate falls, what is frozen still? moon, skin, eyes; jack-frost bleached. | JCW |
When what is frozen still moon, skin, eyes; jack-frost bleached, all slate hawks yaw in-a-gadda-da-vida, baby. | a raw |
When all slate hawks yaw in-a-gadda-da-vida, baby, river hounds steam needles blunt. | sean.j.mcglynn@gmail.com |
When river hounds steam needles blunt, I sew your name with unsteady stitches. | eleanor |
When I sew your name with unsteady stitches, a glacier rains evaporated knives. | Kári Tulinius |
When a glacier rains evaporated knives, in brisbane the dewpoint nudges up. |
When in brisbane the dewpoint nudges up, thimble lost, wild thyme un-picked. | smc |
When thimble lost, wild thyme un-picked, tumblefrosted we lark and skated waterfalling. |
When tumblefrosted we lark and skated waterfalling, . | We were sealed to ourselves, every edge a precipice. |
When , I whip I whip whip whip whiperil. |
When I whip I whip whip whip whiperil, I am unslipped what slides out?. | Amanda Earl |
When I am unslipped what slides out, . | So teeth will tooth and June will gerund |
When , a slurry; sealskin jealousy. | Elee Kraljii Gardiner |
When a slurry; sealskin jealousy, spin and dervish, salt spitting, flayed welcome, I sing. | smc |
When spin and dervish, salt spitting, flayed welcome, I sing, I sing the body atomic, blasted. | Bob MacKenzie, Canada |
When I sing the body atomic, blasted, “I wish we had an eternity” stencil a topscape practitioner with a caustic lunar reference cancel imagination quoth the baggage general & his arrival of her door & mustache woodwork remorse the jackal’s headache felt my if she legging the pent of could betray bendage & the thrill to careful portray a maniac’s dream nothing. | mIEKAL aND |
When “I wish we had an eternity” stencil a topscape practitioner with a caustic lunar reference cancel imagination quoth the baggage general & his arrival of her door & mustache woodwork remorse the jackal’s headache felt my if she legging the pent of could betray bendage & the thrill to careful portray a maniac’s dream nothing, ever aches like this. |
When ever aches like this, it goes on forever in its ease. | Alice Burdick |
When it goes on forever in its ease, flays tames arachnid. |
When flays tames arachnid, my fingers spiderdance the sun. | smc |
When my fingers spiderdance the sun, when the shadows between them soften the glare. | lynn mcclory |
When when the shadows between them soften the glare, it spreads itself out against the sky, like a. | brandy ryan |
When it spreads itself out against the sky, like a, muslin harboring lipstick ghosts of memory and regret. | Sophia Pandeya |
When muslin harboring lipstick ghosts of memory and regret, a <3 em-dash ends around bushes[ o;n path to ho$tt. |
When a <3 em-dash ends around bushes[ o;n path to ho$tt, pat hot pat hot pat the hot host hostessing hhhhhhh. | angela |
When pat hot pat hot pat the hot host hostessing hhhhhhh, lawn. |
When lawn, I hear owls in flight in your mouth. | carmel |
When I hear owls in flight in your mouth, wise-light, wisty, your predator tongue,. | Remy Wilkins |
When wise-light, wisty, your predator tongue,, when the tongue recoils to its trench. |
When when the tongue recoils to its trench, your teeth staple sound inside the mouth cave your epiglottis resonates like a tuning fork. | Mustansir Dalvi |
When your teeth staple sound inside the mouth cave your epiglottis resonates like a tuning fork, . |
When , goldfinches fly out of the iris of a statue. |
When goldfinches fly out of the iris of a statue, holes and faults hew new relations quicken. | mat |
When holes and faults hew new relations quicken, guano, like liquified aurum fills the crevices. | Mustansir Dalvi |
When guano, like liquified aurum fills the crevices, there is a pond to float by your fingertips. |
When there is a pond to float by your fingertips, when a slough can marry your heaviness. | Laurie D Graham |
When when a slough can marry your heaviness, heaviness your marry can slough a when when. | heaviness your marry can slough a when when. |
When heaviness your marry can slough a when when, heaviness your marry can slough a when when. | heaviness your marry can slough a when when. |
When heaviness your marry can slough a when when, when I have the body of a man, I have the head of a bull when I have the head of a bull, I hear you in colours jake when I hear you in colours, a shackling ground, a lowing flame, laurie d graham when a shackling ground, a lowing flame,, the burned tide returns to the uneven beach metaphorce when the burned tide returns to the uneven beach, the uneven beach returns to the burned tide a raw when the uneven beach returns to the burned tide, red sand runs dry tr when red sand runs dry, we pray that blood will not follow cheryl when we pray that blood will not follow, the beach shows her teeth shannon when the beach shows her teeth, and the long light is almost upon us when and the long light is almost upon us, the tide recedes knowing that he is no match when the tide recedes knowing that he is no match , when , seeds as to minutes dripping by or rocks into smaller rocks when seeds as to minutes dripping by or rocks into smaller rocks, what water we stir, stirs within us, veins of quartz flashing our way home j-tron when what water we stir, stirs within us, veins of quartz flashing our way home, the pulse of meat turns to glistening stone geo when the pulse of meat turns to glistening stone, you take me for dead sonnet when you take me for dead, I am that kind of silver fish when I am that kind of silver fish, the books will beware lary timewell when the books will beware, the books will beware lary timewell when the books will beware, when , the coffee dries out, the locusts come circling when the coffee dries out, the locusts come circling, the trees lose their roots when the trees lose their roots, we lose focus: close up on crocus y' know just when we lose focus: close up on crocus y' know just, count our wrinkled teeth and flexible ankles, so sweet a sound claudia coutu radmore when count our wrinkled teeth and flexible ankles, so sweet a sound, we eye off the iris jdub when we eye off the iris, it gladys the nose when it gladys the nose , ,,,, I will take liberties with the words of others when ,,,, I will take liberties with the words of others, other word my liberties, I will have the body of others when other word my liberties, I will have the body of others, the stutter, the tense, the tall populars blooming, but when, when when the stutter, the tense, the tall populars blooming, but when, when, when the when wends, the body mends, the stutter of when when when the when wends, the body mends, the stutter of when, the body blooms then stutters, then ends when the body blooms then stutters, then ends, in irony and earnest, making fun of clichess while making fun of ourselves for indulging them aden rolfe when in irony and earnest, making fun of clichess while making fun of ourselves for indulging them, I secretly yearn to for their laughter when I secretly yearn to for their laughter, I lean to trestles when I lean to trestles, I am the engine md when I am the engine , I am a reader, also, there when I am a reader, also, there, I am, but not in my shell, ensconced in you when , I am, but not in my shell, ensconced in you when , then ; a raw when then ;, kilowatts silk my angular velocity melanie when kilowatts silk my angular velocity, my daunting hastens when my daunting hastens, when , paradox collides mozach when paradox collides, my universe implodes into one thought, one line: shoshanna when my universe implodes into one thought, one line:, who can sift the golddust from the ash? when who can sift the golddust from the ash, but for the men on the avenue, all keen eyes and certainty when but for the men on the avenue, all keen eyes and certainty, the women fierce, determined when the women fierce, determined , bare their breasts and their teeth coral carter when bare their breasts and their teeth, the ranks unfold when the ranks unfold, si when si, when , a fingernail will curl north-east prawns when a fingernail will curl north-east, it will pry the flesh from our thoughts jeffrey harpeng when it will pry the flesh from our thoughts, & the plagiarists will cough up a testament of carbon copy when & the plagiarists will cough up a testament of carbon copy, intellectual properties will refund righteousness terry moylan when intellectual properties will refund righteousness, bags of oblivion form under the eyes when bags of oblivion form under the eyes, we smell our way through words carmel when we smell our way through words, what happens? we open the gate when what happens we open the gate, the flood of now of now of now when the flood of now of now of now, whappens wopen a raw when whappens wopen, w w w w w birds wing questions with flight when w w w w w birds wing questions with flight, the wallows will spring forth when the wallows will spring forth, the force of winter will allow when's when the force of winter will allow when's , ice of later (fallen) (fragile) slipslope of shinbone sophie mayer when ice of later (fallen) (fragile) slipslope of shinbone, when , when , de sade was a closeted kantian when de sade was a closeted kantian, the orwellian mother load will be lighter, true lode melanie neilson when the orwellian mother load will be lighter, true lode, when , indefatigable scrum, tip cone o freezer-burn kent maccarter when indefatigable scrum, tip cone o freezer-burn, thawed chocolate falls chicken when thawed chocolate falls, what is frozen still? moon, skin, eyes; jack-frost bleached jcw when what is frozen still moon, skin, eyes; jack-frost bleached, all slate hawks yaw in-a-gadda-da-vida, baby a raw when all slate hawks yaw in-a-gadda-da-vida, baby, river hounds steam needles blunt seanjmcglynn@gmailcom when river hounds steam needles blunt, I sew your name with unsteady stitches eleanor when I sew your name with unsteady stitches, a glacier rains evaporated knives krI tulinius when a glacier rains evaporated knives, in brisbane the dewpoint nudges up when in brisbane the dewpoint nudges up, thimble lost, wild thyme un-picked smc when thimble lost, wild thyme un-picked, tumblefrosted we lark and skated waterfalling when tumblefrosted we lark and skated waterfalling, we were sealed to ourselves, every edge a precipice when , I whip I whip whip whip whiperil when I whip I whip whip whip whiperil, I am unslipped what slides out? amanda earl when I am unslipped what slides out, so teeth will tooth and june will gerund when , a slurry; sealskin jealousy elee kraljiI gardiner when a slurry; sealskin jealousy, spin and dervish, salt spitting, flayed welcome, I sing smc when spin and dervish, salt spitting, flayed welcome, I sing, I sing the body atomic, blasted bob mackenzie, canada when I sing the body atomic, blasted, “I wish we had an eternity” stencil a topscape practitioner with a caustic lunar reference cancel imagination quoth the baggage general & his arrival of her door & mustache woodwork remorse the jackal’s headache felt my if she legging the pent of could betray bendage & the thrill to careful portray a maniac’s dream nothing miekal and when “I wish we had an eternity” stencil a topscape practitioner with a caustic lunar reference cancel imagination quoth the baggage general & his arrival of her door & mustache woodwork remorse the jackal’s headache felt my if she legging the pent of could betray bendage & the thrill to careful portray a maniac’s dream nothing, ever aches like this when ever aches like this, it goes on forever in its ease alice burdick when it goes on forever in its ease, flays tames arachnid when flays tames arachnid, my fingers spiderdance the sun smc when my fingers spiderdance the sun, when the shadows between them soften the glare lynn mcclory when when the shadows between them soften the glare, it spreads itself out against the sky, like a brandy ryan when it spreads itself out against the sky, like a, muslin harboring lipstick ghosts of memory and regret sophia pandeya when muslin harboring lipstick ghosts of memory and regret, a <3 em-dash ends around bushes[ o;n path to ho$tt when a <3 em-dash ends around bushes[ o;n path to ho$tt, pat hot pat hot pat the hot host hostessing hhhhhhh angela when pat hot pat hot pat the hot host hostessing hhhhhhh, lawn when lawn, I hear owls in flight in your mouth carmel when I hear owls in flight in your mouth, wise-light, wisty, your predator tongue, remy wilkins when wise-light, wisty, your predator tongue,, when the tongue recoils to its trench when when the tongue recoils to its trench, your teeth staple sound inside the mouth cave your epiglottis resonates like a tuning fork mustansir dalvI when your teeth staple sound inside the mouth cave your epiglottis resonates like a tuning fork, when , goldfinches fly out of the iris of a statue when goldfinches fly out of the iris of a statue, holes and faults hew new relations quicken mat when holes and faults hew new relations quicken, guano, like liquified aurum fills the crevices mustansir dalvI when guano, like liquified aurum fills the crevices, there is a pond to float by your fingertips when there is a pond to float by your fingertips, when a slough can marry your heaviness laurie d graham when when a slough can marry your heaviness, heaviness your marry can slough a when when heaviness your marry can slough a when when when heaviness your marry can slough a when when, heaviness your marry can slough a when when heaviness your marry can slough a when when. | Ray Hsu |
When when I have the body of a man, I have the head of a bull when I have the head of a bull, I hear you in colours jake when I hear you in colours, a shackling ground, a lowing flame, laurie d graham when a shackling ground, a lowing flame,, the burned tide returns to the uneven beach metaphorce when the burned tide returns to the uneven beach, the uneven beach returns to the burned tide a raw when the uneven beach returns to the burned tide, red sand runs dry tr when red sand runs dry, we pray that blood will not follow cheryl when we pray that blood will not follow, the beach shows her teeth shannon when the beach shows her teeth, and the long light is almost upon us when and the long light is almost upon us, the tide recedes knowing that he is no match when the tide recedes knowing that he is no match , when , seeds as to minutes dripping by or rocks into smaller rocks when seeds as to minutes dripping by or rocks into smaller rocks, what water we stir, stirs within us, veins of quartz flashing our way home j-tron when what water we stir, stirs within us, veins of quartz flashing our way home, the pulse of meat turns to glistening stone geo when the pulse of meat turns to glistening stone, you take me for dead sonnet when you take me for dead, I am that kind of silver fish when I am that kind of silver fish, the books will beware lary timewell when the books will beware, the books will beware lary timewell when the books will beware, when , the coffee dries out, the locusts come circling when the coffee dries out, the locusts come circling, the trees lose their roots when the trees lose their roots, we lose focus: close up on crocus y' know just when we lose focus: close up on crocus y' know just, count our wrinkled teeth and flexible ankles, so sweet a sound claudia coutu radmore when count our wrinkled teeth and flexible ankles, so sweet a sound, we eye off the iris jdub when we eye off the iris, it gladys the nose when it gladys the nose , ,,,, I will take liberties with the words of others when ,,,, I will take liberties with the words of others, other word my liberties, I will have the body of others when other word my liberties, I will have the body of others, the stutter, the tense, the tall populars blooming, but when, when when the stutter, the tense, the tall populars blooming, but when, when, when the when wends, the body mends, the stutter of when when when the when wends, the body mends, the stutter of when, the body blooms then stutters, then ends when the body blooms then stutters, then ends, in irony and earnest, making fun of clichess while making fun of ourselves for indulging them aden rolfe when in irony and earnest, making fun of clichess while making fun of ourselves for indulging them, I secretly yearn to for their laughter when I secretly yearn to for their laughter, I lean to trestles when I lean to trestles, I am the engine md when I am the engine , I am a reader, also, there when I am a reader, also, there, I am, but not in my shell, ensconced in you when , I am, but not in my shell, ensconced in you when , then ; a raw when then ;, kilowatts silk my angular velocity melanie when kilowatts silk my angular velocity, my daunting hastens when my daunting hastens, when , paradox collides mozach when paradox collides, my universe implodes into one thought, one line: shoshanna when my universe implodes into one thought, one line:, who can sift the golddust from the ash when who can sift the golddust from the ash, but for the men on the avenue, all keen eyes and certainty when but for the men on the avenue, all keen eyes and certainty, the women fierce, determined when the women fierce, determined , bare their breasts and their teeth coral carter when bare their breasts and their teeth, the ranks unfold when the ranks unfold, si when si, when , a fingernail will curl north-east prawns when a fingernail will curl north-east, it will pry the flesh from our thoughts jeffrey harpeng when it will pry the flesh from our thoughts, & the plagiarists will cough up a testament of carbon copy when & the plagiarists will cough up a testament of carbon copy, intellectual properties will refund righteousness terry moylan when intellectual properties will refund righteousness, bags of oblivion form under the eyes when bags of oblivion form under the eyes, we smell our way through words carmel when we smell our way through words, what happens we open the gate when what happens we open the gate, the flood of now of now of now when the flood of now of now of now, whappens wopen a raw when whappens wopen, w w w w w birds wing questions with flight when w w w w w birds wing questions with flight, the wallows will spring forth when the wallows will spring forth, the force of winter will allow when's when the force of winter will allow when's , ice of later (fallen) (fragile) slipslope of shinbone sophie mayer when ice of later (fallen) (fragile) slipslope of shinbone, when , when , de sade was a closeted kantian when de sade was a closeted kantian, the orwellian mother load will be lighter, true lode melanie neilson when the orwellian mother load will be lighter, true lode, when , indefatigable scrum, tip cone o freezer-burn kent maccarter when indefatigable scrum, tip cone o freezer-burn, thawed chocolate falls chicken when thawed chocolate falls, what is frozen still moon, skin, eyes; jack-frost bleached jcw when what is frozen still moon, skin, eyes; jack-frost bleached, all slate hawks yaw in-a-gadda-da-vida, baby a raw when all slate hawks yaw in-a-gadda-da-vida, baby, river hounds steam needles blunt seanjmcglynn@gmailcom when river hounds steam needles blunt, I sew your name with unsteady stitches eleanor when I sew your name with unsteady stitches, a glacier rains evaporated knives krI tulinius when a glacier rains evaporated knives, in brisbane the dewpoint nudges up when in brisbane the dewpoint nudges up, thimble lost, wild thyme un-picked smc when thimble lost, wild thyme un-picked, tumblefrosted we lark and skated waterfalling when tumblefrosted we lark and skated waterfalling, we were sealed to ourselves, every edge a precipice when , I whip I whip whip whip whiperil when I whip I whip whip whip whiperil, I am unslipped what slides out amanda earl when I am unslipped what slides out, so teeth will tooth and june will gerund when , a slurry; sealskin jealousy elee kraljiI gardiner when a slurry; sealskin jealousy, spin and dervish, salt spitting, flayed welcome, I sing smc when spin and dervish, salt spitting, flayed welcome, I sing, I sing the body atomic, blasted bob mackenzie, canada when I sing the body atomic, blasted, “I wish we had an eternity” stencil a topscape practitioner with a caustic lunar reference cancel imagination quoth the baggage general & his arrival of her door & mustache woodwork remorse the jackal’s headache felt my if she legging the pent of could betray bendage & the thrill to careful portray a maniac’s dream nothing miekal and when “I wish we had an eternity” stencil a topscape practitioner with a caustic lunar reference cancel imagination quoth the baggage general & his arrival of her door & mustache woodwork remorse the jackal’s headache felt my if she legging the pent of could betray bendage & the thrill to careful portray a maniac’s dream nothing, ever aches like this when ever aches like this, it goes on forever in its ease alice burdick when it goes on forever in its ease, flays tames arachnid when flays tames arachnid, my fingers spiderdance the sun smc when my fingers spiderdance the sun, when the shadows between them soften the glare lynn mcclory when when the shadows between them soften the glare, it spreads itself out against the sky, like a brandy ryan when it spreads itself out against the sky, like a, muslin harboring lipstick ghosts of memory and regret sophia pandeya when muslin harboring lipstick ghosts of memory and regret, a <3 em-dash ends around bushes[ o;n path to ho$tt when a <3 em-dash ends around bushes[ o;n path to ho$tt, pat hot pat hot pat the hot host hostessing hhhhhhh angela when pat hot pat hot pat the hot host hostessing hhhhhhh, lawn when lawn, I hear owls in flight in your mouth carmel when I hear owls in flight in your mouth, wise-light, wisty, your predator tongue, remy wilkins when wise-light, wisty, your predator tongue,, when the tongue recoils to its trench when when the tongue recoils to its trench, your teeth staple sound inside the mouth cave your epiglottis resonates like a tuning fork mustansir dalvI when your teeth staple sound inside the mouth cave your epiglottis resonates like a tuning fork, when , goldfinches fly out of the iris of a statue when goldfinches fly out of the iris of a statue, holes and faults hew new relations quicken mat when holes and faults hew new relations quicken, guano, like liquified aurum fills the crevices mustansir dalvI when guano, like liquified aurum fills the crevices, there is a pond to float by your fingertips when there is a pond to float by your fingertips, when a slough can marry your heaviness laurie d graham when when a slough can marry your heaviness, heaviness your marry can slough a when when heaviness your marry can slough a when when when heaviness your marry can slough a when when, heaviness your marry can slough a when when heaviness your marry can slough a when when, furthermore relations spill. |
When furthermore relations spill, a wren flies into the pie, when a wren is attracted to warm dough, when other twenty-fifth . | elem |
When a wren flies into the pie, when a wren is attracted to warm dough, when other twenty-fifth , butter-pecked by waxeyes and weka, eludes the rat, when rain. | Nicola Easthope |
When butter-pecked by waxeyes and weka, eludes the rat, when rain, sleeping snakes rise to life. | t.l. |
When sleeping snakes rise to life, innocence is restored. | t.l. |
When innocence is restored, I have the body of a man. | a raw |
When I have the body of a man, my touch softens. | Michael |
When my touch softens, butter radiates thunder merely chalks the circles about our world. |
When butter radiates thunder merely chalks the circles about our world, you can't handle what you've written going to go drink teaalot and maybe come back when your eyes decide it likes the light of face again. | Drain Filter |
When you can't handle what you've written going to go drink teaalot and maybe come back when your eyes decide it likes the light of face again, nobody expects any more and my grave will be unmarked. | Mike B. |
When nobody expects any more and my grave will be unmarked, innocence is restored. |
When innocence is restored, teacups like upturned flowers. |
When teacups like upturned flowers, . |
When , we're number 142! we're number 142!. | CSIJ |
When we're number 142 we're number 142, and this sounds like a terrorist threat. |
When and this sounds like a terrorist threat, forty toads torrent tumbling tingles. |
When forty toads torrent tumbling tingles, we make time to waste time. |
When we make time to waste time, gone to young men every one. |
When gone to young men every one, sag mir wo die mdchen sind. |
When sag mir wo die mdchen sind, nonsense makesense make non palette hide yo doubts make nonsense valid. |
When nonsense makesense make non palette hide yo doubts make nonsense valid, you talk like marlene dietrich. |
When you talk like marlene dietrich, marry an aryan. |
When marry an aryan, you talk like marlene dietrich. |
When you talk like marlene dietrich, with the others of the jet set. |
When with the others of the jet set, get set for life!!. | cheery talk host show |
When get set for life, it's a big party with the body of a man. |
When it's a big party with the body of a man, the sun is louder than the voice of god. |
When the sun is louder than the voice of god, the sky drowns all other colour. |
When the sky drowns all other colour, the clowns become humour. |
When the clowns become humour, a blurred doubling of limbs sparsely filmed. | Lainna Lane El Jabi |
When a blurred doubling of limbs sparsely filmed, I wonder if anyone would pay me to watch. |
When I wonder if anyone would pay me to watch, I was lying on the sofa thinking about you and went outside to bring my washing in when suddenly the pitch black sky was illuminated by the most beautiful full moon, bursting through the clouds and I am absolutely convinced you had something to do with it. |
When I was lying on the sofa thinking about you and went outside to bring my washing in when suddenly the pitch black sky was illuminated by the most beautiful full moon, bursting through the clouds and I am absolutely convinced you had something to do with it, the light hit my hands as I took down my wool sweater, still damp and limp . |
When the light hit my hands as I took down my wool sweater, still damp and limp , damp and limp, the sweater sweats, hair lip gimp in a hair net. |
When damp and limp, the sweater sweats, hair lip gimp in a hair net, limp as plagiarism. |
When limp as plagiarism, slow low promo code pocket flow. |
When slow low promo code pocket flow, kimt clomps down on whippets and snippets. | Kevin Spenst |
When kimt clomps down on whippets and snippets, bankrupt pockets blank out on low blow. | Craig Dodman |
When bankrupt pockets blank out on low blow, she beggin fo some mo. |
When she beggin fo some mo, time's lost, begin no more. | CD |
When time's lost, begin no more, I will order room service. | Kathryn Mockler |
When I will order room service, I will speak to someone. | ryan fitzpatrick |
When I will speak to someone, . |
When , splinters grow beneath my fingertips. |
When splinters grow beneath my fingertips, I turn into a lizard that reproduces only through parthenogenesis. | Sunny Chan |
When I turn into a lizard that reproduces only through parthenogenesis, I wonder where my father is. |
When I wonder where my father is, I dig for worms, fat in fecundity. |
When I dig for worms, fat in fecundity, I dig, I devour and I am sated . | Nerissa |
When I dig, I devour and I am sated , the voice of the butcherbirds is the most beautiful. |
When the voice of the butcherbirds is the most beautiful, asdf. |
When asdf, the words are sunk in stone. |
When the words are sunk in stone, we all give thanks. | s |
When we all give thanks, the gratitude becomes as stone and carries farther from ourselves. | kme |
When the gratitude becomes as stone and carries farther from ourselves, we beat our chests and scream 'why me?'. | Andy Smerdon |
When we beat our chests and scream 'why me', we fill guts with worry, or think about that episode when they forgot kimmy gibbler's birthday, or re-read all of our texts, or blame you again, or window the past, or eat all of the sour keys in the cupboard until the mouth seals shut. | Dzomp |
When we fill guts with worry, or think about that episode when they forgot kimmy gibbler's birthday, or re-read all of our texts, or blame you again, or window the past, or eat all of the sour keys in the cupboard until the mouth seals shut, I kneel on broken glass. |
When I kneel on broken glass, I fracture my capacity for forgiveness. |
When I fracture my capacity for forgiveness, she is resplendent gore ignited at the base of the city. | Tamara Gorin, Vancouver BC |
When she is resplendent gore ignited at the base of the city, even savonarola blushes at the ways vertical red decorates her wrists. | GORE SAVONAROLA |
When even savonarola blushes at the ways vertical red decorates her wrists, squirts of the body of a man (the question of which man it is still haunts historians and conspiracy theorists today, and some scholars would even deny that this body belongs to a man at all) fills the columns, and the comprehensive visual directory of all the world's cat breeds, plus invaluable practical information on breeding, training, care, and showing finally opens my slow bosom up to echo trigonometric slogans, with which no dreamer has ever insisted upon nether-land . | Jane Shi |
When squirts of the body of a man (the question of which man it is still haunts historians and conspiracy theorists today, and some scholars would even deny that this body belongs to a man at all) fills the columns, and the comprehensive visual directory of all the world's cat breeds, plus invaluable practical information on breeding, training, care, and showing finally opens my slow bosom up to echo trigonometric slogans, with which no dreamer has ever insisted upon nether-land , I will know peace (the definition of which is contested to this day by historians, philosophers, writers and artists yet some feel they have come to know, as I will). |
When I will know peace (the definition of which is contested to this day by historians, philosophers, writers and artists yet some feel they have come to know, as I will), we'll flake her scarlet snow on the body politic. | Riadsuadion |
When we'll flake her scarlet snow on the body politic, our poets learn not to use the future tense in a time adverbial clause. |
When our poets learn not to use the future tense in a time adverbial clause, we might find our communities less judgemental of one another. |
When we might find our communities less judgemental of one another, we'll press back against that clawing-out within, keep the extra 'e'. | Ira |
When we'll press back against that clawing-out within, keep the extra 'e', athena chides. | Cheryl |
When athena chides, the mouth enters itself. |
When the mouth enters itself, when itself itself is shelvef. | matt heth |
When when itself itself is shelvef, the sharp high notes will shatter the ribcage. | alison |
When the sharp high notes will shatter the ribcage, reference is self-referential. | Nerissa |
When reference is self-referential, I miss you most. | Natalee Caple |
When I miss you most, I refine my aim, pick up the next knife and let it sing. | Elee Kraljii Gardiner |
When I refine my aim, pick up the next knife and let it sing, all become long shadows cast. |
When all become long shadows cast, the knife slips easier 'neath the foot. |
When the knife slips easier 'neath the foot, the longest days cede into night. |
When the longest days cede into night, I help you fall upon stolen needles. | Stolen Needles |
When I help you fall upon stolen needles, I gaze into the distance, contemplating the flat horizon. |
When I gaze into the distance, contemplating the flat horizon, i-5. |
When i-5, merge onto i-90. |
When merge onto i-90, mind, heaves, tower, speed, I ride on cracking dreams. |
When mind, heaves, tower, speed, I ride on cracking dreams, the roads converge into an endless highway. |
When the roads converge into an endless highway, beneath the sound of a shovel cleaving dirt, I remembered. | Shane |
When beneath the sound of a shovel cleaving dirt, I remembered, the empire is segmented into interchanges. | CD |
When the empire is segmented into interchanges, intersections like like reverberating ghosts will make themselves known. | Kelli M |
When intersections like like reverberating ghosts will make themselves known, the earth's softness will hard. |
When the earth's softness will hard, I hand you an ice-pick, a belt buckle, your mother’s gold. | Adèle Barclay |
When I hand you an ice-pick, a belt buckle, your mother’s gold, . |
When , my heart fills my chest and I know that I am good enough. | cyril |
When my heart fills my chest and I know that I am good enough, light blackens the pupils. |
When light blackens the pupils, all unseen things make themselves known. | KLJ |
When all unseen things make themselves known, you see something else. |
When you see something else, the thing becomes all the aphorisms your mother loved. |
When the thing becomes all the aphorisms your mother loved, your sentimental fears are recruited by the powerful interests of one who knows you well. | Clarence |
When sinwithout winsinout sin without sin without win, sinwithout winsinout sin without sin without win. | Clarence |
When sinwithout winsinout sin without sin without win, blood letting let blood in inlet blood drifting drifts in without let. |
Sachiko |